Today I tagged along with Eamon for the morning rounds. There was a group of transition yr students in so they took care of the calves and sheep in the big field. I went with one of the volunteers to feed Glen, who has a serious fanbase, and I have admit I can see why! He wasn’t too interested in me as I wasn’t holding the food but he did let me rub his ears while he munched.
I followed Eamon down to the red barn where the cows and the young calves live, we gave nuts to a mature mother and her calf and put straw into the main pen with the rest of the cows and calves. Having worked in a mart on a previous project I was a little wary of hopping into the enclosure but these aren’t like regular cows. They are ladies- so gentle and affectionate, nuzzling for rubs and chin scratches.
From there we went to the pigs in the wildflower meadow. The piglets needed water and I nearly lost a welly stomping through their beautifully ploughed lawn.
The goats were being fed as we passes by on the way to the chickens in the stables and on to the piglets mother in the farmyard.
The weather has turned here now so I’m back in doors having a scone with butter made by the children from a local primary school in on a visit!
Brilliant day an it’s only half 2!